Coming home
...developing the future UK ‘look’. I’ve returned to Defra from working in Australia as Chief Veterinary Officer and Group Director of Animal Health and Welfare for New South Wales (NSW)...
Dr Christine Middlemiss is the UK’s Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO).
She was appointed UK Chief Vet in December 2017, replacing Nigel Gibbens CBE.
Before becoming CVO Christine was appointed CVO for New South Wales, Australia, in 2016.
Before taking up her appointment she worked for Defra developing policy solutions to detect, assess and respond to new and emerging animal disease risks on an international front and in Great Britain.
Follow Christine on Twitter @ChiefVet
...developing the future UK ‘look’. I’ve returned to Defra from working in Australia as Chief Veterinary Officer and Group Director of Animal Health and Welfare for New South Wales (NSW)...
...all about paperwork, ticking boxes and irrelevant rules. It is not. I have never used my vet brain as much to make such a difference. Let me explain. My job...
Government Veterinary Services (GVS) supports public-sector veterinary professionals and promotes veterinary policy to other vets and the public.
Follow her on Twitter: @ChiefVetUK