Antimicrobial Resistance Week 2020: How are we addressing this together?
To celebrate AMR week, the UK CVO talks about some of the work going on in the UK and internationally to respond to the threat of AMR.
Dr Christine Middlemiss is the UK’s Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO).
She was appointed UK Chief Vet in December 2017, replacing Nigel Gibbens CBE.
Before becoming CVO Christine was appointed CVO for New South Wales, Australia, in 2016.
Before taking up her appointment she worked for Defra developing policy solutions to detect, assess and respond to new and emerging animal disease risks on an international front and in Great Britain.
Follow Christine on Twitter @ChiefVet
To celebrate AMR week, the UK CVO talks about some of the work going on in the UK and internationally to respond to the threat of AMR.
Today is one health day and to celebrate this, the UK Chief Veterinary Officer Christine Middlemiss talks about some of the work being done in one health and the importance of a one health approach to animal and human health.
To celebrate World Rabies Day, the CVO has written a piece about the steps being undertaken by vets around the world to prevent the spread of this disease.
To celebrate world zoonoses day we have a second blog, this time from the UK CVO Christine Middlemiss with a message about zoonoses.
25 April is World Vet Day and we have a special message from the UK Chief Veterinary Officer.
In the second part of Christine's blog, she talks about some of the work she has been doing on an international level.
The UK Chief Veterinary Officer, Christine Middlemiss, reflects on an exciting year so far. Look out for part 2 coming soon!
UK Chief Veterinary Officer Christine Middlemiss talks about the important link between animals, humans and the environment in disease control and pathogen resistance.
UK CVO Christine Middlemiss talks about what’s been getting her focus and what’s important to her after five months in post. The 1st March 2018 seems a lifetime in the past - and also just yesterday. It’s the date I …
...brings to mind our frontline work on diagnosis, treatment and prevention of animal disease. Usually, it’s individual animals and often in harrowing circumstances for the animal’s owner. However we use...
Government Veterinary Services (GVS) supports public-sector veterinary professionals and promotes veterinary policy to other vets and the public.
Follow her on Twitter: @ChiefVetUK