Job Opportunity: Veterinary Policy Officer European Affairs, Federation of Veterinarians of Europe

Find out about a fascinating new role working for the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe in Brussels.
Find out about a fascinating new role working for the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe in Brussels.
Veterinary investigation Officer, Adrienne Mackintosh, based at APHA’s Carmarthen Veterinary Investigation Centre, talks about her role and its influence .
Milorad Radakovic, a lecturer in veterinary public health at Cambridge University talks about his career as a government vet and the importance of veterinary public health.
Find out about an exciting new opportunity available as a Senior Policy Advisor in the Food Standards Agency.
Find out why Rob moved from his job as an Animal Health Officer to a role as a government vet
Find out about a brand new role available working for Livestock Information.
Find out about a fascinating new role in the Food Standards Agency
In the second part of her blog, Kate talks about some of her experiences working right at the heard of government and her current role on the RCVS council.
Kate Richards, a former government vet and current RCVS council member, talks about her veterinary career to date and some of the excellent skills she's learnt along the way.
Find out about the new UK Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer.